
  1. Our mission and values
  2. What we're building
  3. Role description
  4. Compensation, holidays, location, and perks
  5. How to apply

Our mission and values

Elyn ☎️

The E-Commerce buying experience is broken: as a client, you’re expected to pay upfront without any means to try, touch, feel the product you’re going to be spending for. This of course has a radical effect on buyer behaviour: the average conversion rate in stores is between 20 and 30%, while the average E-Commerce conversion rate is around 2%. Elyn exists to change that.

Elyn’s mission is to improve E-Commerce merchant’s sales performance. Our first goal is to bring the brick-and-mortar customer experience to the digital customer experience, by allowing customers to try before they buy, increasing customer satisfaction, conversion rates, and average order values.

We are a team of extremely motivated people, coming from the best french Scale-ups, consulting firms, and banking. We are extremely lucky to have such a rich pool of past experiences, which allows us to take what’s been best in the french ecosystem for the last 5 years, and design Elyn that way.

Our common goal is to turn Elyn into a no-brainer and a must-have for every European E-Commerce in the coming years, and sit with the Paypals and Klarnas of the world.

Operating Principles

More than values, that can be very fluffy and phisophical, we abide by our Operating Principles: tangible, concrete principles that guide the way we work, be it day-to-day or when making huge strategic decisions.

The Role: